NYSARA and the Age Strong New York Coalition

NYSARA and its partners had a press conference and legislator meetings on Tuesday February 11. NYSARA and its partners LiveOn NY, Lifespan, AARP, Association on Aging in New York , Statewide Senior Action Council and other aging advocacy organizations rallied for senior fairness. The fact that seniors pay $72 billion per year in state and local taxes and the NYS office for the aging, the organization that services senior needs, receives a budget that is about .08% of the total state budget and that leaves seniors out in affordable housing and services that now have long waiting lists. Watch the video of the press conference where NYSARA President Barry Kaufmann is front and center

NY State Alliance on Facebook

New York State Alliance for Retired Americans

The mission of the NYS Alliance for Retired American’s is to provide a strong voice for senior citizens, and in particular, retired individuals whose benefits are constantly under attack. As a growing coalition of community groups, labor unions and a wide range of senior advocacy groups, NYSARA strives to educate, advocate and activate for social and economic justice. The NYS Alliance believes that all older and retired persons have a responsibility to create and preserve a society that allows all citizens to enjoy a retirement with dignity, personal and family fulfillment and security.
New York State Alliance for Retired Americans
New York State Alliance for Retired AmericansWednesday, November 10th, 2021 at 10:16pm
WATCH: Long Islanders have gathered in Garden City for a candlelight vigil and march to call on Rep. Kathleen Rice to vote YES on the #BuildBackBetter Act!
New York State Alliance for Retired Americans
New York State Alliance for Retired Americans
New York State Alliance for Retired AmericansWednesday, November 10th, 2021 at 9:39pm
WATCH: Long Islanders have gathered in Garden City for a candlelight vigil and march to call on Rep. Kathleen Rice to vote YES on th#BuildBackBetter Act!
New York State Alliance for Retired Americans
New York State Alliance for Retired Americans
New York State Alliance for Retired AmericansFriday, October 29th, 2021 at 8:13pm
WATCH: We're rallying on the Long Beach Boardwalk nine years after Superstorm Sandy slammed Long Island to demand our members of Congress hold the line and make bold investments in climate, care, jobs and justice!
New York State Alliance for Retired Americans
New York State Alliance for Retired Americans
New York State Alliance for Retired AmericansSunday, October 17th, 2021 at 11:23pm
Don’t Dismiss Your Annual Flu Shot - Get Yours Now!

Flu season is upon us and Public Health recommendations are universal in their advice to get your flu vaccination for your own good and the health of those you encounter.

During the Covid 19 pandemic isolation, flu cases plummeted last year but many in the health care community are vigorously encouraging seniors and other adults to get their shot early in the season. There is great concern about complacency could lead to serious problems.

Learn more: https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/influenza/seasonal/?utm_medium=G1Search&utm_source=bing&utm_campaign=NYSDOH,FLUCOVID4Q21
New York State Alliance for Retired Americans
New York State Alliance for Retired AmericansSunday, September 26th, 2021 at 11:07pm
More Evidence about the Economic Value of Protecting and
Even Enhancing Social Security
A new study from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College found that Social Security benefits appear to be a valuable stabilizer for local communities. Extensive research over time has shown that Social Security helps insulted individuals from economic downturns but this new perspective shows a beneficial impact on communities. Improvements in Benefits and structure has valuable implications especially for Labor Markets and industries that cater to local demand for goods and services.

  • Call for “Good Trouble” by NYSARA Members

    March 05, 2025:  NYSARA President, Barry Kaufmann, is asking members to consider getting into "good trouble" as former Congressman John Lewis famously said.  We are urging all NYSARA members to let their voices be heard by their elected f Read More >