NYSARA Actions

October 27, 2015

Study of the establishment of an office of community living mandated by the 2015-16 NYS budget

Corinda Crossdale, Director
New York State Office for the Aging
Building 2, 5th floor, Empire State Plaza,
Albany, NY 12223

Dear Director Crossdale,

On behalf of the 440,000 members of the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans (NYSARA) I would like to weigh in on the Study, that was called for by the Governor in the adopted 2015-2016 NYS budget, of whether an office of community living should be established and if so what form this office might take.

We are monitoring the process to ensure all communities, especially communities of color and low-income seniors, have been fully engaged in order that every stakeholder has a fair chance to weigh in on the impact of any change, as well as be a part of the process. NYSARA will continue to monitor the Study to ensure that senior services are maintained and that any proposal to consolidate state agencies is to provide more efficient, better delivered services, and not used to reduce public section employee union jobs.

Sincerely Yours,

Barry A. Kaufmann
NYS Alliance for Retired Americans

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