
March 29, 2016

Founding Convention for the NYS Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund (501c4) April 14, 2016

The founding convention of the newly established New York State Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund will be held on Thursday April 14, 2016 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.  The location will be at the NYSUT Conference center at 800 Troy Schenectady Road in Latham, NY.  Reservations and a $10 fee are due by April 1.  The fee will include lunch and door prize raffle tickets.  We cannot guarantee lunch will be available if you do not respond by the April 1, 2016 deadline.

The New York State Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund is a 501c4 organization under IRS law.  This will enable us to better educate our members on issues of importance to them and will enhance our ability to advocate with and for them.  We also are hopeful that it will inspire and increased activism in our 440,000 members from across New York State.

On December 2, 2015 a meeting of the organizing committee to establish this 501c4 was held.  At that meeting bylaws were approved, resolutions allowing for the filing of NYS incorporation papers and filing for an EIN number and a bank account for the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund.  Temporary officers were elected to serve until the Founding convention.  Temporary officers are:

Barry A. Kaufmann, President

Paul Schuh, Labor Vice President

Molly Krakowski, Community Vice President

Doris Welch, Secretary

Gary Lanahan, Treasurer

Joining us as our keynote speaker will be our newly elected Alliance for Retired Americans  President, Robert Roach Jr.  Election of new permanent officers and a program highlighting what is ahead for Seniors and what actions we must take will be offered. Corinda Crossdale, Director of the State Office for the Aging will be speaking about the proposed Office for Community Living, merging the Office for the Aging and the Office for Disabilities.  Door prize raffles of NYSARA wearables will take place at the end of the meeting.  You must be present to win.   Lunch will be served

If you need a registration form or any additional information please call 518-783-6231

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Topics: Announcements