Retirement Security
December 01, 2015
Add to your New Year’s Resolutions Anti TPP Rally January 12, 2016 Noon
When:Tuesday January 12, 2016 at Noon.
Where: Leo O’Brien Federal Building 1 Clinton Square, Albany, NY
Timed to coincide with the President’s State of the Union address where he will promote the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade bill. The TPP is a continuation of past trade bills like NAFTA and CAFTA that have not met their objectives of job creation or an enhanced American economy. Called by many NAFTA on Steroids this bill has the potential to deopress job growth, increase the cost of prescription drugs, negatively impact the environment, promote currency manipulation and create and expand a corporate tribunal that can override our laws to maintain corporate profits. This rally is designed to educate citizens and our legislators to the dangerous consequences of passing this law.