NYS News

January 09, 2017

NYSARA Activists visit Congressman Collins office about ACA Repeal, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security Concerns

On Friday January 6, 2017 NYSARA President Barry Kaufmann, Western New York Chapter of NYSARA Treasurer Richard Sweeney and activist Barbara Baer met with Congressman Chris Collins (R-27thCD) Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Kracker. During the over one hour meeting the discussion was far ranging and instructive. Topics discussed included issues important to seniors such as the proposed repeal of the ACA, proposals to raise the medicare eligibility age, to voucherize Medicare, to block grant Medicaid (which provides 62% of the long term care benefits in the US) as well as proposals to diminish Social Security. The discussion was open and spirited. NYSARA pointed out that 53% of seniors felt it was safe to vote for Donald Trump in large part because he was the only Republican that said he would not change Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid and that he would repeal AND REPLACE ACA at the same time. 53% did NOT vote to pursue the proposals in Speaker Ryan’s Path to Prosperity plan that pertain to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act and there would be significant push back and elective consequences if these initiatives were pursued.

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Topics: Affordable Care Act