March 05, 2025
Call for “Good Trouble” by NYSARA Members
NYSARA President, Barry Kaufmann, is asking members to consider getting into “good trouble” as former Congressman John Lewis famously said. We are urging all NYSARA members to let their voices be heard by their elected federal representatives. Let them know that it is NOT all right to vote for tax breaks for the wealthy while Medicaid is cut (63% of all seniors in long term care rely on Medicaid to pay. Let them know it is NOT ok to vote for tax cuts for Elon Musk and Donald Trump while cutting funding for Social Security. Let them know it is NOT ok to vote for tax cuts for corporations while cutting food stamps for the poor and “Meals on Wheels” for seniors. Let them know it is NOT ok to increase the debt of the United States by $4.5 trillion by giving tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires and corporations while cutting rental assistance and housing programs which allow 260,800 NY seniors to age in place.
We are unique in New York. House Republican members must be aware of their constituents wishes or really be challenged for re election. They do respond to pressure in districts that are not slam dunks. We need to exert that pressure on the NY Republicans: Congressional District #1 Nick Lakota -631-289-1097 to e mail. 31,887 households NYSARA members, 32,276 NYSARA members Congressional District # 2 Andrew Garbarino 631-541-4225 to e mail 25,125 households, 25,408 members Congressional District # 11 Nicole Malliotakis 718-568-2870 19,870 households 20,131 members Congressional District # 17 Mike Lawler 845-743-7130 28,105 households 28,374 members Congressional District # 21 Elise Stefanik 518-561-2324, 518-561-2408 (fax) 40,740 households 40,980 members Congressional District # 23 Nick Langworthy 585-543-5033, 716-547-6844 or 607-377-3130 44,569 households and 44,929 members Congressional District 24 Claudia Tenney 716-514-5130, 585-869-2060 or 315-236-7088 34,317 households and 34,533 members. We MUST call our Democratic members to reinforce how angry we are about giving tax breaks to the very wealthy while taking away services to regular working class people and seniors and to give them the ammunition to fight this attack on seniors and the middle class. All Democrats in Congress voted AGAINST the budget. By making lots of calls to Democrats we reinforce that vote. Other good trouble we must get into is making appointments to see our representatives and repeat our concerns. If you make an appointment please e mail me at and I will e mail you Congressional district statistics that reinforce our positions. |