October 10, 2018
NYSARA – Long Island Chapter Fall Symposium Mid-Term Election Choices for the United States Congress
This symposium will feature all of the Congressional candidates from Long Island’s Congressional Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4. Representative Lee Zeldin (R) and Mr. Perry Gershon (D) in Congressional District # 1, Representative Peter T. King (R) and Ms. Liuba Grechen Shirley (D) in Congressional District # 2, Representative Thomas R. Suozzi (D) and Mr. Dan DeBono (R) in Congressional District # 3 and Representative Kathleen Rice (D) and Mr. Ameer Benno (R) are ALL expected to attend as well as NYS Alliance for Retired Americans President Barry A. Kaufmann.
This event will be an opportunity to hear from all the candidates their record and positions on important senior issues such as preservation and expansion of Social Security and Medicare, protection of health insurance for all and preservation of the pre existing condition mandate and cost controls for seniors and lowering the price of prescription drugs in the United States as well as other important issues. All retirees re welcome and refreshments will be provided.