NYS News
Founding Convention of the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund Inc. a great success
April 20, 2016: [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On Thursday April 14, 2016 the founding convention of the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund Inc., a new 501 c (4) organization was held at NYSUT headquarters in Latham, NY. The convent...Read more >
NYSARA Activists meet with Senator Crowley (D) Bronx/Queens on the TPP and Retirement Security
April 12, 2016: On Monday April 11, 2016 a group of NYSARA activists including NYSARA President Barry Kaufmann, NYSARA Executive Director John Costello and members of the New York City Chapter of NYSARA Doris Welch, Audrey Iszard, Armando Mandes and Marvin Goodman m...Read more >
2/3 of the New York State Congressional Delegation reject the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade bill
April 03, 2016: Trans Pacific Partnership progress in New York State On March 23, 2016, nineteen (19) members of Congress from New York State, in a bi- partisan action, sent a letter to President Obama stating the reasons that they would vote against the Trans Pa...Read more >
The New York State Alliance for Retired Americans and its partners complete a very successful 2017 Budget Session
April 03, 2016: NYSARA and its activists and partners, in the first example of what will become the norm as a 501c4 organization, had an enormously successful budget session. We were successful in conveying the message to legislators as to why raising the minimum wa...Read more >
NYSARA Lobbies Senate Republicans for the $15 Minimum Wage
March 29, 2016: On the last session day to negotiate an on time budget without the Governor's message of necessity, (March 28, 2016) NYSARA was successful in getting information on why the $15 minimum wage was a senior issue to many of the Republican Senators before...Read more >
Founding Convention for the NYS Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund (501c4) April 14, 2016
March 29, 2016: The founding convention of the newly established New York State Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund will be held on Thursday April 14, 2016 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. The location will be at the NYSUT Conference center at 800 Troy Schene...Read more >
February 19, 2016 Independent Democratic Conference Press Conference
February 23, 2016: Queens, NY - Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeff Klein and State Senator Tony Avella, on Monday February 19, joined leaders from New York's senior organizations across the state, to launch the IDC Seniors First Initiative. Senators Klein...Read more >
NYSARA joins the New York Campaign for Patient Safety to advocate for the Safe Staffing and Quality Act (A08580-A/S782)
February 09, 2016: NYSARA President Barry Kaufmann attended a legislative breakfast to begin the advocacy for the Safe Staffing and Quality Act. (A08580-A/S782) NYSARA is among 13 groups to sponsor this initiative. While seniors are surely not the only consumers tha...Read more >
VERY IMPORTANT Survey of Senior Issues in NYS
February 05, 2016: NYSARA was approached by Paul McCarthy, Policy and Counsel for the NYS Sente Independent Democratic Conference (IDC) and Senator Klein. They have a 2016 Seniors Agenda that addresses Senior financial exploitation, protecting Seniors from unnecessary ...Read more >
New Year’s Resolution to stop the TPP rally
January 16, 2016: On Tuesday, January 12, 2016 the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans rallied to stop the TPP trade deal. The rally was timed to coincide with the President's State of the Union address where he promoted the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) t...Read more >