NYSARA Actions
Add to your New Year’s Resolutions Anti TPP Rally January 12, 2016 Noon
December 01, 2015: When:Tuesday January 12, 2016 at Noon. Where: Leo O'Brien Federal Building 1 Clinton Square, Albany, NY Timed to coincide with the President's State of the Union address where he will promote the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade bill. ...Read more >
NYSARA Joins the Fight for 15
November 12, 2015: On November 10th the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans joined a coalition to lobby the New York State Legislature to raise New York's minimum wage to a living wage of $15. Some may ask why a group of "retired" persons have any interest in...Read more >
Statement by ARA Executive Director Richard Fiesta on the Budget Agreement that Protects Social Security and Medicare Beneficiaries
October 28, 2015: The following statement was issued by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, regarding the deal between Congressional leaders and the White House announced October 26 to avert default and keep the government funded:...Read more >
Study of the establishment of an office of community living mandated by the 2015-16 NYS budget
October 27, 2015: Corinda Crossdale, Director New York State Office for the Aging Building 2, 5th floor, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223 Dear Director Crossdale, On behalf of the 440,000 members of the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans (NYSAR...Read more >
Statement by Retiree Leader Richard Fiesta on the 0% COLA Increase for Social Security Beneficiaries
October 15, 2015: The following statement was issued by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, regarding the government's announcement that there will be no benefit increase for millions of Social Security beneficiaries, disabled vet...Read more >
National Events and activities
October 12, 2015: Next year, unless Congress takes action soon, millions of Medicare beneficiaries will see their premiums and deductibles increase by over 50 percent! Premiums for 30 percent of Part B recipients are projected to increase from $105 per month to $159 a...Read more >
Support memo for NYS legislative bill # AO5565A KAVANAGH/S04748 that would allow localities to raise the income eligibility limits for the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program and the Disabled Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) program to any amount up to $51,000 beginning on July 1, 2016;
September 08, 2015: SUPPORT MEMO AO5565A KAVANAGH/S04748 The New York State Alliance for Retired Americans, representing 440,000 members and their families strongly supports the above – referenced legislation. This bill would allow localities to rai...Read more >
June 9, 2015 letter in support of the passage of paid family leave legislation (S.3004 and A3870) in New York State
September 08, 2015: The 440, 000 members of the NYS Alliance for Retired Americans are proud to sign on to this letter in support of the passage of paid family leave legislation (S.3004 and A3870) in New York State. Through the implementation of paid family leave, senio...Read more >
Letter to CEO Milton on behalf of the New York State Nurses Association vs. Ellis Hospital and threatened lockout
September 07, 2015: Dear Mr. Milton, I just learned of Ellis Medicine’s plan to lockout NYSNA RNs following their recently announced one day strike on behalf of safe-staffing and quality patient care. This is a shameful response to the selfless advocacy of NYSNA nu...Read more >
US Representative Rice and her position on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) issue
September 06, 2015: June 17, 2015 United States Representative Kathleen Rice DISTRICT OFFICE 300 Garden City Plaza Suite 200 Garden City, NY 11530 Dear Representative Rice, I write to you on the issues of the Trans Pacific Partners...Read more >