Prescription Drugs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Current Debate on Driving down the Cost of Prescription Drugs
April 30, 2019: How much can government negotiations drive down the cost of prescription drugs for patients? In other countries where the government negotiates directly for prescription drugs, costs are significantly lower for the same drugs than in the...Read more >
Productive Meeting Held with Representative Peter King
February 12, 2017: On Friday February 10, 2017 NYSARA President Barry Kaufmann and Long Island Chapter of NYSARA President Stanley Bergman met with Congressman Peter King. (R/CD #2) NYSARA's positions on the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, Block granting or annualiz...Read more >
Activism by Seniors, including NYSARA, Contributes to the “Death” of the TPP
November 23, 2016: The news that the White House and Republican congressional leaders have given up on passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is welcome. That the TPP would be defeated by Congress if brought to a vote signals that Trojan-horse “trade” agreemen...Read more >
TPP Forum in Queens
January 22, 2016: Last night January 21, 2016, William Francis from the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans, New York City Chapter, and Leandra Requena from Peruvians in Action were among the speakers at a forum in Queens calling on Representative Joseph Cro...Read more >
Why NYSARA Opposes the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade Deal Now Before Congress
December 05, 2015: 1. Loss of Jobs, lower wages The TPP is a bad deal for American workers. Like NAFTA, CAFTA and the WTO agreements, the TPP will continue our race to the bottom by giving trading partners greater ability to compete for American jobs by paying worke...Read more >
Add to your New Year’s Resolutions Anti TPP Rally January 12, 2016 Noon
December 01, 2015: When:Tuesday January 12, 2016 at Noon. Where: Leo O'Brien Federal Building 1 Clinton Square, Albany, NY Timed to coincide with the President's State of the Union address where he will promote the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade bill. ...Read more >
Central New York Chapter of the NYS Alliance for Retired Americans take part in an anti TPP rally
November 24, 2015: The Central New York Chapter of NYSARA co-sponsored a rally against the TPP November 21, 2015. The event had 40 people and lots of press (great TV coverage) participate. Gerald Lotierzo, Co-President of the Central New York Chapter of NYSARA p...Read more >
TPP Text Proves Seniors Have Been Right to Worry About Higher Prescription Drug Prices
November 05, 2015: The following statement was issued today by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, following the Obama Administration’s release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. “Now that the fin...Read more >
US Representative Rice and her position on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) issue
September 06, 2015: June 17, 2015 United States Representative Kathleen Rice DISTRICT OFFICE 300 Garden City Plaza Suite 200 Garden City, NY 11530 Dear Representative Rice, I write to you on the issues of the Trans Pacific Partners...Read more >