Fair Trade
Activism by Seniors, including NYSARA, Contributes to the “Death” of the TPP
November 23, 2016: The news that the White House and Republican congressional leaders have given up on passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is welcome. That the TPP would be defeated by Congress if brought to a vote signals that Trojan-horse “trade” agreemen...Read more >
NYSARA notes U.S. Representative Stefanik’s stated opposition to the TPP
May 21, 2016: The White House is serious about getting Obama’s legacy trade deal, the TPP — the biggest in U.S. history — passed by the end of the year, as he has vowed to do despite the misgivings of Republican leaders and the outright opposition of a major...Read more >
NYSARA Activists meet with Senator Crowley (D) Bronx/Queens on the TPP and Retirement Security
April 12, 2016: On Monday April 11, 2016 a group of NYSARA activists including NYSARA President Barry Kaufmann, NYSARA Executive Director John Costello and members of the New York City Chapter of NYSARA Doris Welch, Audrey Iszard, Armando Mandes and Marvin Goodman m...Read more >
2/3 of the New York State Congressional Delegation reject the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade bill
April 03, 2016: Trans Pacific Partnership progress in New York State On March 23, 2016, nineteen (19) members of Congress from New York State, in a bi- partisan action, sent a letter to President Obama stating the reasons that they would vote against the Trans Pa...Read more >
TPP Forum on Long Island January 28
February 01, 2016: On Thursday January 28 in Manhasset the Long Island chapter of NYSARA was part of a panel that sought to educate constituents of Congress persons Israel and Rice about the down sides of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. Stanley Bergma...Read more >
TPP Forum in Queens
January 22, 2016: Last night January 21, 2016, William Francis from the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans, New York City Chapter, and Leandra Requena from Peruvians in Action were among the speakers at a forum in Queens calling on Representative Joseph Cro...Read more >
New Year’s Resolution to stop the TPP rally
January 16, 2016: On Tuesday, January 12, 2016 the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans rallied to stop the TPP trade deal. The rally was timed to coincide with the President's State of the Union address where he promoted the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) t...Read more >
New Year’s Resolution to defeat the TPP Rally
January 16, 2016: ...Read more >
Why NYSARA Opposes the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade Deal Now Before Congress
December 05, 2015: 1. Loss of Jobs, lower wages The TPP is a bad deal for American workers. Like NAFTA, CAFTA and the WTO agreements, the TPP will continue our race to the bottom by giving trading partners greater ability to compete for American jobs by paying worke...Read more >
Add to your New Year’s Resolutions Anti TPP Rally January 12, 2016 Noon
December 01, 2015: When:Tuesday January 12, 2016 at Noon. Where: Leo O'Brien Federal Building 1 Clinton Square, Albany, NY Timed to coincide with the President's State of the Union address where he will promote the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade bill. ...Read more >